Notice of AGM 2024

July 15, 2024

Notice of Intention to hold an Annual General Meeting given in accordance with the Constitution of Physical Education New Zealand.

DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, 26th September 2024 

TIME: Logon from 7.15 p.m. Meeting commences at 7.30pm

VENUE: Online – Link to be provided prior to the meeting.

Ngā mihi nui kia koutou, e ngā tāngnata o Te Ao Kori Aotearoa. Greetings to all of our members of PENZ.

Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ) intends to hold the Annual General Meeting (‘Meeting’) at the date, time and venue above. An invitation to nominate candidates for election to the PENZ Board has been outlined in earlier correspondence (you can find more information here). We encourage you to vote in the current elections, so please check email for details or let us know if you need some help with the voting process.

You are also invited to have input into the Agenda and Resolutions for the Meeting. This includes the ability to propose matters for discussion at the meeting. In proposing matters for discussion, please ensure that they contain the text of motions to be decided by resolution (if any).

It would be helpful that you formulate a resolution to precede your discussion point however, a resolution may be materially amended at the AGM, based on the discussions held. For any additions to the agenda including proposed resolutions or discussion topics, please send information to

You may not vote at the Meeting unless you hold or belong to an organisation that holds a current financial membership.

Signed for and on behalf of the Physical Education New Zealand governing Board. 

Susannah Stevens

Board Chair | President of PENZ