Tama te Uira me Hine te Uira Award

Tama te Uira me Hine te Uira recognises a teacher who is making a significant contribution within a physical education space.

Nominations will close on the 5th May 2023


This award was introduced in 2018 to acknowledge Māori physical educators for the similarities they have to Tama and Hine te Uira as the atua (gods) that represent the spark of innovation, the flash of creativity and the flare for making change. The concept was developed by Physical Education New Zealand Board member Nichola McCall and a Maori Advisory Group working alongside Dr Ihirangi Heke.


Tama te Uira is the atua of forked lightening and Hine te Uira of sheet lightening. Both of these atua also represent the electrical charge that occurs in the brain when it sends a message to the extremities of the body. The recipient of this award is recognised for the similarities they have to Tama and Hine te Uira as the atua that represent the spark of innovation, the flash of creativity and the flare for making change. As we all know lightening indicates change that the thunder is coming and there will be a consequent change in communities or individuals that this award winner engages with. Also, in Te Ao Māori lightening was known for its ability to remove ‘karepo’ – blindness or ‘matangaro’ – loss of vision. This award winner has the ability to help people see again, to understand the greatness they represent and to be a visionary beyond others. Like Whaitiri and Tawhaki, Hine and Tama te Uira also represent the ability to assess success within a Māori paradigm i.e., self-evaluation where lightening is contained within a cloud, assessment of others where lightening jumps between clouds and teacher assessment where lightening jumps from cloud earth.

  • The nominee must be a 2023 Physical Education New Zealand Member.
  • The nominee must be of Māori decent.
  • The nominee must be a registered teacher with a practicing certificate (Tōmua-Provisional, Tūturu-Full (Category One), or Pūmau-Full (Category Two).
  • The nominee must be employed by a licensed or certificated early learning service/kōhanga reo, or a registered primary, intermediate or secondary school/kura/ wharekura.
Nomination Requirements

We have changed things up to make it as simple as possible. This year, all we require is:

  • The nominee’s name(s), the Māori iwi the nominee identifies with, their organisation, job title, and email.
  • The nominator ‘s name, organisation, email, and their relation to the nominee. (ie How does the nominator’s know of the nominee’s achievements e.g., colleague, mentor, lecturer, senior teacher).
  • 100 words about why you feel this department, school, kura deserve this award’ as well as
  • A referee that we can contact to find out more.

When we phone the referee, we will be looking to find out information that fits into the following criteria:

1. Describe how the nominee provides an ‘electrical charge’ within a physical education space.
2. Describe how the nominee is diligent, hardworking, reflective, innovative, creative and has a flare for making change.
3. Describe the nominee’s impact on the individuals and/or community they work with.
4. Describe how the nominee empowers others toward a vision or develops a vision.

Submit Nomination