Physical Education New Zealand Board Elections


Board Elections for Physical Education New Zealand – Voting is now closed!

Tēnā koutou ngā mema katoa o Te Ao Kori Aotearoa,

We are excited to announce the upcoming Board Elections for Physical Education New Zealand | Te Ao Kori Aotearoa (PENZ). This is an excellent opportunity for dedicated individuals to contribute to the growth and development of physical education in Aotearoa. As an organisation committed to helping all people to embrace their world of movement through life-long physical education, we rely on a diverse and dedicated board to guide our mahi.

We invite passionate individuals who are committed to transforming communities with movement and advancing physical education, and its impact on the lives of all people in Aotearoa, to consider nominating themselves for a position on the PENZ Board. Serving on the board is a chance to influence policy, share your expertise, and collaborate with like-minded professionals in shaping the landscape of physical education.

Nominations are now closed.

The election is now closed for voting.

To check out the candidate profiles, please click on the link below.

Positions available

We have two board positions available for the upcoming term. Your commitment to our shared mission can make a significant impact and contribution to communities throughout Aotearoa.

Incumberts seeking re-election

We would like to inform you that one incumbent from our current board intends to seek reelection. Sarah Ryan intends to seek reelection. Her dedication, experience and commitment contribute greatly to our organisation, and we encourage their continued service.


When considering a Board position, members will be aware of the roles and responsibilities they hold. All newly appointed Board members will be supported to fulfill their responsibilities through an induction process. If you are interested in understanding more about the roles and responsibilities, you can read about it here.


The PENZ Board meets approximately six times per year. Some meetings are face to face and others are held online. A schedule of meetings will be provided at the first Board meeting following the elections.

Board members commit to serve for a term of three years, with the ability to seek reelection at the end of their term.

Key dates

Nominations Open: 15th July 2024

Nominations Close: 16th August 2024

Candidate Information Submission Deadline: 16th August 2024

Voting Period: 19th August 2024 to 20th September 2024

Election Results Announcement: 26th September 2024 at AGM

Nomination process

Nominations are open to all members in good standing. The nominee, nominator and second nominator must all be, or belong to organisations, that are current financial members of PENZ. If you are passionate about advancing physical education in Aotearoa and wish to contribute your skills and expertise to the board, we encourage you to submit a nomination.